Dotonbori During the Tenjin Matsuri
Check out the cool atmosphere of Osaka's Dotonbori area during the Tenjin Matsuri.
Check out the cool atmosphere of Osaka's Dotonbori area during the Tenjin Matsuri.
A pair of vloggers hit Japan's tallest mountain.
The Oita Toilennale may sound quirky, but it's just another trusty innovation made in Japan.
For experienced climbers and hikers, hitting the trail leading to the top of Mount Fuji from the fifth station is doable, from the first station is a challenge, but from the Pacific Coast? That's insane!
The first place where you find leaves turning color in Japan is Hokkaido's Daisetsuzan National Park.
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu comes out in support of the "Let's Gomi Zero" campaign.
MAG Festa 2015 will turn the area around Nakano Station into anime heaven on October 31.
How big will Halloween 2015 be? We don't know—but if Shibuya 2014 set the standard, it can only get crazier from here.