All About Japan

Trying to Make the Antiviral Legend Go Viral

Legend has it that seeing a drawing of this yokai named Amabie will cure or protect a person from any disease. The creature itself is said to have asked to be drawn and shared around – what is known today as an ‘Instagram shout-out.’

Finding Anime in Real Life: 10 Tokyo Locations

The folklorist that I am, I decided to choose ten anime featuring creatures from Japanese myth (but with a little Western thrown in as well). Keep reading to check out if your favorite anime is included on my list!

Drawing out the Japanese Spirit of Epidemics

The people of Kumamoto have a legendary spirit that comes in time of epidemics. All you have to do is draw a picture of it.

Would You Buy a Creepy Cactus?

Check out this real 'Little Shop of Horrors,' full of monster-inspired cacti.
