Toto's Toilet Museum Is Flush with History
This is no joke: the improbably elegant Toto Museum presents the innovative history of a device undeniably central to our lives.
This is no joke: the improbably elegant Toto Museum presents the innovative history of a device undeniably central to our lives.
Japan has a vast array of theatrical traditions, both ancient and modern. From kabuki to Broadway musicals, there's always something great to see!
A rainy day doesn’t mean you have to stay cooped up indoors. Pottery anyone?
Tabletop games have come a long way since classics like 'shogi' and 'go.' Come see our top picks for modern games available in Japan that are sure to entertain while the rain pours!
While many believe the tradition of making 'teru teru bozu' dolls can be traced back to a bald-headed monk, history suggests it may have begun with a small girl.
Stuck inside on a rainy day? Play these classic Japanese tabletop games while listening to the relaxing sound of the drops outside!
This wearable prototype turns dads into jungle gyms!
The rainy season brings gray clouds and inclement weather to Kyoto each June, but all that moisture leaves Saiho-ji moss temple glimmering like an emerald!