Japan's Top 5 Otaku Shopping Spots
If you're looking for anime, manga or cosplay merchandise, these are the places to check!
If you're looking for anime, manga or cosplay merchandise, these are the places to check!
The World Cosplay Summit began in 2003, with countries sending the winners of their respective qualifying tournaments to Nagoya in Aichi Prefecture. The biggest cosplay event on the globe, the Summit is where the world’s top cosplayers are crowned.
Called 'sanmeijo' in Japanese, the three castles on this list have been chosen based on their significance to history and culture, as well as their scale and grandeur.
Inuyama Castle is a National Treasure, and one of the oldest original castles still standing in Japan.
Like a phoenix rising from the flames, so too have these restored beauties come back to life to prosper again on our list of the best reconstructed castles across Japan.
Winter, spring, summer or fall, you'll fall in love with these sites, and snap a photo as you do!
Want to see some beautiful cherry blossoms this year? Then check out these Top 5 sites that promise some gorgeous pictures and fantastic views!
How do you spend four days of holidays in Japan? Try heading to Nagoya!