Intro to the Japanese Writing System
Can you spot the differences between each of Japan's three different characters?
Can you spot the differences between each of Japan's three different characters?
You can now add hedgehogs to the list of cute animals to visit on your next trip to the Japanese capital.
During your stay you may come in contact with these seven gadgets that help make life in Japan a little bit easier. But as soon as you leave, you'll be wishing you had one at home, too!
Walk through 13 of the most fundamental types of alcohol in Japan. You know what's at the top of the list—but do you know the other 12?
While the spirit of cleaning is taught in Japanese schools, the principle very likely originated in Zen Buddhism, and continues on into adulthood.
'Omotenashi' is often defined as the spirit of hospitality, but it encompasses so much more.
Explore five Hanshin-area locations that appear as settings in Haruki Murakami's novels, as well as the landmarks of his life.
Apology is a kind of social currency in Japan. But using it well isn't just about knowing what words to use—you also need to know when and how to use them!