Architect Designs 'Tree House' in Tokyo
Seeking respite from boring office spaces and stark building, a Japanese architect designed a building in harmony with nature.
Seeking respite from boring office spaces and stark building, a Japanese architect designed a building in harmony with nature.
This Japanese artist uses their keen photographic eye to capture strange, intimate moments of everyday life found on city streets.
A Japanese designer has created a new braille typeface that communicates in unexpected and innovative ways.
Yasutomo Oka’s oil portraits are so lifelike you'll swear they were captured with a camera.
An Osaka-based designer created a house to showcase the beauty of having a personal hoard.
One Japanese artist is putting his stamp on the traditional Japanese bathhouse, or 'sento.'
There is so much to see in Japan. You can look up at the skyscrapers of Tokyo, look in the distance to see the peak of Mount Fuji, look along every one of Kyoto's ancient cobbled streets. But did you know that there is a lot to see right under your feet?
Akita City is not often at the top of anyone's list of places to visit, but that's unfortunate because it has a rich history and culture that includes a lively festival and a famous artist.