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And You Thought Kyary Was Weird!

By Japan Trends

Hamada Bamyu Bamyu is, first of all, a play on the name Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, arguably Japan's top singing star. Second, underneath that silly wig is none other than Masatoshi Hamada, half of the popular comedy duo Downtown.

The character was created in May 2015 on the program Gaki No Tsukai ya Arahende, where Hamada Bamyu Bamyu's debut single, "Nandeyanennen," also debuted on November 23. That's right: the character proved so popular that not only did he get a single, it's even produced by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu producer Yasutaka Nakata with contributions from art director Masuda Sebastian.

Nandeyanennen is Osaka slang for “What the heck?”—which may be quite the appropriate expression in this case!

Japan Trends

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