Kagawa's Stunning Slowpoke Manhole Covers
Each species of Pokémon has its own set of stats and parameters, but Slowpoke hasn’t usually scored particularly high in the respect department. This is changing with adorable manhole covers showing Slowpoke taking in Kagawa’s most popular tourism destinations, with cameos from a few other Pocket Monster species.
By SoraNews24
Each species of Pokémon has its own set of stats and parameters, but Slowpoke hasn’t usually scored particularly high in the respect department. In addition to his less-than-complimentary English-version name, in the Japanese Pokémon games and anime he’s called Yadon, a reworking of the Japanese word doya (unwittingly dopey-looking).

But Japan’s Kagawa Prefecture holds Slowpoke/Yadon in high regard, primarily because his Japanese name is similar in sound to “udon,” the type of Japanese noodles Kagawa is famous for. Last year, Slowpoke was honored by being named governor of Kagawa, and now the prefecture is ready to salute the lovably laid-back Water/Psychic Type with a series of adorable manhole covers showing Slowpoke taking in Kagawa’s most popular tourism destinations, with cameos from a few other Pocket Monster species.

The Slowpoke manholes are scheduled to be installed on September 20 and 21, with their exact locations to be revealed on the official Pokémon manhole location finder website here (but don’t forget to use your Slowpoke PC cushion plushie if you’re planning an extended search).
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