4 Commercials Perfect for Dog Lovers
Animals are extremely popular in Japan, from animal-related businesses, such as cat cafés, dog spas and pet fashion boutiques, to the well-known regional mascots and celebrity pets like Hachiko. But Hachi isn't the only beloved dog in Japanese pop culture. Indulge your love for dogs with these funny and touching ads!
By Katrina Vinluan4. When Tommy Lee Jones Spoke Fluent Japanese
This collaboration ad, starring Softbank's White Family and Boss Coffee spokesman, and American movie star, Tommy Lee Jones (playing an alien observing Earth's customs), is a great crossover between two huge Japanese brands. This commercial celebrated the coffee brand's 20th anniversary in 2012 and it definitely gets the job done in catching people's attention thanks to its star power. Both the father of the White family (the white Shiba dog pictured above) and Jones are quite popular figures here in Japan.
3. A Boy's Best Friend

We all know that dogs are loyal companions, but the Golden Retriever in this Calbee ad goes an extra step by lifting a sad boy's spirits with the perfect remedy for a bad day: a bag of potato chips. This ad may make cause concern, however, about the level of CGI animation or the severity of training these "dogs" endured during production.
2. Dogs As Perfect Lie Detectors

If you think you may need a lie detector to test the truthfulness of your next date, try getting a dog instead. This hilarious commercial from sushi chain Gin no Sara not only shows the power of makeup to "transform," but also the power of dogs to help reveal scammers and fakes, like the German Shepherds above. The next time you feel that you've met someone too good to be true, ask a dog to sniff him out. Fido will hopefully bark and tell!
1. When Love Needs No Words
In this ad by Amazon Japan, we see the inherent affectionate nature of dogs and how they truly want to connect with their families. While you may not need this ad as an excuse to start clicking away for an Amazon purchase, this is nevertheless a memorable commercial with its touching simplicity. Nothing beats the pure emotion of dogs!