7 Key Resource Sites for English Teachers

Moving to Japan to teach English is an exciting, but nerve-racking, prospect. People have been at this for a while, so fortunately there's a wealth of helpful information right at your fingertips: from where to buy groceries to how to manage unruly middle school students. These sites are sure to get your life in Japan off to an easy start!
By Jessica Famularo7. Dave's ESL Cafe
Dave's ESL Cafe is a fixture in the English-teaching community with a plethora of resources to help both beginner and well-established teachers alike. The site features teaching materials and activity ideas to boost your creativity. The forums are also a great resource for job hunting and peer support.
6. Englipedia
It can be tough coming up with lesson plans and English club activities from scratch when you're in a pinch. Englipedia has got you covered, though, with plenty of themed worksheets and games for all levels and occasions. Englipedia offers grammar and writing worksheets, crossword puzzles and even song activities that will delight your students.
5. Go Overseas
While not specifically dedicated to Japan, Go Overseas is a good starting point when you want to explore job options. A number of public schools and English conversation academies (eikaiwa) advertise jobs here. The site also hosts a number of helpful guides and articles for folks interested in moving to Japan for work.
4. TeachAway
In a similar vein to Go Overseas, TeachAway offers job opportunities and TEFL certifications for a number of different countries. It has information on both private and public schools, and gives visitors a general idea of what to expect as far as rent and salary are concerned.
3. ELT News
Despite its austere design, ELT News is a massive resource. It features a staggering number of guides for any situation, including regular columns on teaching, interviews and book reviews. ELT News also includes a handy directory of organizations dedicated to supporting English teachers based abroad.
2. Genki English
Yet another great source for teachers starved for ideas, Genki English hosts lesson plans and colorful games and activities that cover phonics, grammar and useful phrases. Genki English mainly targets the Pre-K and elementary school crowds, but a lot of the materials can be adapted for different age groups.
1. GaijinPot
GaijinPot is the all-in-one spot for foreigners living in Japan. It has a well-updated jobs board that features a variety of different teaching jobs at conversation schools, public schools, private schools, international schools and even universities. It's a great spot to look for something that veers a little bit off the typical ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) route.
Furthermore, apartment searching isn't easy in Japan, but GaijinPot also has listings for share houses and apartments all over the country. Once your housing is locked down, be sure to visit GaijinPot's active classifieds section to help furnish your new apartment, too!