allabout japan
allabout japan

Quit Monkeying Around!

By Ellery Smith

These snow monkeys, or Japanese macaques certainly aren't camera shy in front of people at Jigokudani Monkey Park in Nagano—the only spot in Japan where you can view monkeys actually bathing in hot spring water. Here, monkeys groom each other while munching on wheat provided by the park staff and bark from the surrounding cedar trees.

Rumor has it that these mischievous monkeys have been bathing in these hot springs since 1964, when the first one began bathing in an outdoor bath belonging to the Korakukan ryokan, or Japanese-style inn. As they have been at Jigokudani Monkey Park for over 50 years, we can hope to see more of them in the years to come!

Ellery Smith

Bouncing between the U.S. and Japan since 2007 as a student then an English instructor before finally settling into freelance writing, I am a yoga enthusiast and onsenner extraordinaire, having been to more hot springs than you can shake a stick at.