allabout japan
allabout japan
Sexual Health in Japan

Sexual Health in Japan

One of the many taboos in Japan is discussing sex and sexual health in an open and proactive way. However, should you end up living or working here, it's important to know what resources are available to keep you healthy and happy.

LGBT+ Groups & Activities in Japan

LGBT+ Groups & Activities in Japan

As visibility for the LGBT+ community is increasingly growing around Japan, so are the number of groups that promote awareness. If you're looking to get involved, here's a great list of groups to get in touch with.

EMA: Leading the Fight for Marriage Equality

EMA: Leading the Fight for Marriage Equality

Founded in 2014, EMA Japan has been one of the driving forces striving to bring about equal rights to same-sex couples. Learn all about this intrepid group and how they are working to ensure marriage equality for all members of the LGBT+ community.