12 Festive Bento for a Year of Holidays
We’ve compiled a list of 12 bento based on Japanese holidays and festivals, so be sure to mark the dates for these special lunches!
Ellery Smith
Bouncing between the U.S. and Japan since 2007 as a student then an English instructor before finally settling into freelance writing, I am a yoga enthusiast and onsenner extraordinaire, having been to more hot springs than you can shake a stick at.
We’ve compiled a list of 12 bento based on Japanese holidays and festivals, so be sure to mark the dates for these special lunches!
From motherly love to a meal of vengeance, you can lift up the lid to uncover your message!
Maid cafés have been around since the early 2000s, but if it’s your first time, you may want to know what’s in store before heading over.
Tokyo may seem like the coffee capital of Japan, but Kyoto certainly gives it a run for its money.
Move over Starbucks and Tully’s, a new wave of coffee is beginning to surge in Japan.
Get ready to be bowled over by the wave of words that have “ramen” hiding in plain sight!
Since its arrival from China, ramen has been reshaped and reimagined into countless regional variations across Japan.
Ramen streets have become hotbeds for talented chefs and aspiring cooks looking to perfect their recipes.
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