Make Your Own Ramen Burger
Want to make one of Time Magazine's most influential burgers? Just ignore the well-intentioned (but sadly wrong) explanation of the meaning of the word ramen.
Michael Kanert
In Japan since 2001, I'm a former ALT trainer who's lived in Shizuoka, Saitama and Tokyo, and visited 34 of Japan's 47 prefectures (13 to go!). When I can get out from behind the editorial desk, I take photos, do bits of theater and practice German longsword.
Want to make one of Time Magazine's most influential burgers? Just ignore the well-intentioned (but sadly wrong) explanation of the meaning of the word ramen.
Potluck Video takes a peek inside Sun Noodles New Jersey.
Sounds like a terrible idea, right? Not to worry: it's not what you think.
This is basically just chicken pot pie with ramen in it, but why not?
What's the right way to eat ramen? Find out from Conan, Ken and a few other people who actually know what they're doing!
Who wouldn't want to see TIE fighters and a few all-barrels-blazing Star Destroyers animated in 'Robotech' style?
Japan is a land of vending machines, and ramen is no exception.
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