Delight Your Valentine with Pokémon Chocolates
Valentine’s Day in Japan is all about the chocolate, and the first question to answer in the gift-giving process is whether you’re going to go with homemade or store-bought sweets. There’s definitely a sentimental, romantic appeal to the homemade route, but don’t write off purchasing your chocolates just yet.
By SoraNews24
Store-bought chocolates mean not just professional-quality taste but appearance too, and when the aesthetics are Pokémon, the make-vs.-buy debate feels like a landslide victory for “buy.”
Japanese confectioner Matsukazeya has just revealed its lineup of Pokémon Valentine Collection chocolates, pairing the 121-year-old company’s culinary skills with the adorable looks of the beloved anime/video game creatures. The star of the lineup is the Large Choco Set (1,404 yen, US$14.60), pictured above, which includes chocolates shaped like Pikachu and Eevee, as well as others bearing the likenesses of Ditto and a Poké Ball.
Meanwhile, the Small Choco Set (648 yen) is for smaller appetites/budgets, and sports its own heart-melting package illustration.
Matsukazeya’s other offerings may not contain any Pokémon-shaped chocolates, but they compensate for this by being bundled with cool merch, so that your Valentine will still have a present once they’ve eaten all their sweets. The Magnet Can Set (1,100 yen), for instance, has removable magnets atop the lids. Mew and the napping Pikachu are especially cute.
The Lunchbox Set (1,650 yen) gets you a clear-top lunchbox, with Pikachu, Eevee, and Meowth catching a ride on Dragonite’s back, to carry your non-dessert meals too. The Sweet Clear Pouch (1,320 yen) is covered in different Pocket Monster species (including the long-tongued Gengar) and zips open or shut with a Pikachu-like lightning bolt pull.
And rounding off the options are the Slide Case Choco Set (880 yen) with Eevee and the various Eevee-lution forms and the Petite Bags (715 yen each), available in Pikachu or Eevee versions with corresponding character key chains. Though we’re still a little over a month away from Valentine’s Day, the Pokémon Valentine Collection chocolates are already on sale at Japanese candy retailers and department stores, in case you want to get an early start on shopping for sweets for your sweetheart (or for yourself, of course).
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