Japan's April Fools' Day Roundup 2019
When April 1 rolls around, people scroll through their newsfeeds to find some astonishing headlines. In past years, we’ve seen news of McDonald’s noodles, Pizza Hut delivery pigeons and Burger King cologne released on April 1, but we’re seasoned pros now, and know full well that these are all just cleverly designed April Fools’ Day pranks.
By SoraNews24So what did the big names in Japan have in store for us this April Fools’ Day? The crew at SoraNews24 got together and created this roundup for you so you won’t get fooled by the jaw-dropping new products that came out in Japan on April Fools'!

Instant noodle brand Peyoung is no stranger to making crazy ideas a reality, as evidenced by last year’s Super Super Super Big Portion GIGAMAX Yakisoba, which packed 439 grams of noodles and 2,142 kilocalories—more than the recommended caloric intake for a whole day for most adults—into every serving.
So today, when Peyoung announced the release of the Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Big Portion GIGAMAX365, with 781,830 kilocalories, they almost had us.

But then we read the fine print saying each pack was 365 times bigger than their original and would require a whopping 180 liters (47.5 gallons) of hot water to heat the noodles!
— ケンタッキーフライドチキン (@KFC_jp) March 31, 2019
皆様からのご要望にお答えして、#オリジナルチキン の骨が登場🍗
★バーレル➡https://t.co/pG1ImGN5O0#エイプリルフール pic.twitter.com/TQEJMhd8dH
The colonel is beloved in Japan, but today’s news that they would be adding a bucket of bones to their menu in response to customer demand really tested the relationship! A single order is ¥250, or you can get a bucket for ¥1,500!
— 星のカービィ (@Kirby_JP) March 31, 2019
四角いカービィさんからも目がはなせませんっ!!#エイプリルフール #四角いカービィhttps://t.co/Ei8jo068Ae pic.twitter.com/u0k5sfeX05
The titular protagonist of Nintendo and HAL Laboratory’s popular Kirby series of video games is known for being delightfully round but for April Fools' their official Twitter account announced that Kirby would be turning into a square!

Japanese watchmakers Seiko announced they would be bringing out a new timepiece for the overseas market, featuring a watch face made from… a Japanese rice cracker.

It even features tiny seaweed numbers, highlighting Seiko's meticulous attention to detail!

With three different flavors to choose from—soy sauce, sesame and sugar-coated zarame—these timepieces made our mouths water.
遂に…待望のアプリが登場⁉️見つけたいパーツの形と色を入力すれば、レゴブロックの山の中からアプリがお探しのパーツを探知!#レゴ #エイプリルフール pic.twitter.com/ysl3TrNjZy
— レゴ ジャパン公式 (@LEGO_Group_JP) April 1, 2019
Perhaps the best joke belongs to Lego, who came up with the brilliant idea of an app that finds your desired Lego shape and color in a big pile of Lego pieces. It’s actually a neat idea that would work brilliantly with puzzle pieces as well. Here’s hoping Lego follows in the steps of the hugely popular Love Live! anime franchise, who decided to turn their April Fools’ Day joke a reality last year.
For more April Fool’s Day fun, don’t forget to read up on the Marie Kondo “spark joy” police tasers and the Nara adopt-a-deer program. Happy April Fools’ Day!
Source: Twitter/#エイプリルフール
Featured image: PR Times
Insert images: PR Times
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