Never Get Lost in Shinjuku Station Again!

Google Street View takes internet users through the maze of corridors, platforms, walkways and turnstiles that make up Tokyo and Shinjuku Stations. If you’ve ever been to Japan, you’ll know how easy it is to get lost in these mammoth complexes, so now you can relive the experience online. Just click on the highlighted text to go to Google Maps.
By SoraNews24,139.7657337,0a,89.5y,106.93h,92.48t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1skhujqB1mZErRXsnUsPmBBA!2e0?source=apiv3
Before walking through the turnstiles below to begin your adventure of Tokyo Station, be sure to scroll up first to admire the famous domed ceiling.,139.7658398,0a,58.8y,59.79h,86.29t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1syqMJIqirBWyoerCgY20puA!2e0?source=apiv3
There are a couple of historic sites people should keep an eye out for while making their way through the station. If you turn towards the left in the image above, you’ll see a special plaque next to the ticket machines that marks the spot where Prime Minister Takashi Hara was stabbed to death by a right-wing activist in 1921.,139.7668051,0a,82.2y,105.49h,79.13t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sGqHbsxknyGd8syFTXkUWRg!2e0?source=apiv3
While these markers pointing to significant events in the station’s 103-year history are often overlooked, Google Street View makes them easy to find. It also makes it easy to navigate your way to other important spots at the station, including the shinkansen transfer points.
While Tokyo Station is one of the country’s most historic, Shinjuku Station is the country’s busiest. With an average of 3.64 million passengers passing through the station each day, and over 200 exits, the station is so busy that it’s been recognized as the busiest train station in the world.,139.7003296,0a,82.2y,8.3h,83.62t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sfsHpXLSClMoy-XcDsixtjw!2e0?source=apiv3
Welcome to the labyrinth that is Shinjuku Station. Let’s begin our journey into the maze at the JR South Exit, which can be found opposite the Newoman restaurant and shopping complex.,139.7000119,3a,61.6y,179.53h,85.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCsMlSKjS6PedlsxoDC5d7g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Navigating a Google Street View device through the crowds during peak hour would be a difficult task, so many of the new images online show a deserted station, which is a novel sight in itself. According to this clock, some of the data was captured in the wee hours of the morning, at 1:28 a.m.,139.7003138,0a,82.2y,206.99h,85.08t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s2hRfe2oxvAz0W2rTS7qjjA!2e0?source=apiv3
The Street View team have done a thorough exploration of the station, with even the underground tunnels visible online.,139.6997681,3a,41.3y,130.89h,102.07t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sY_zD6GpYbHGjpSbdhlLYbg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
The Street View option is a great way to get your bearings online before arriving at the station if you are taking the Odakyu Limited Express Romancecar for a trip to Hakone, Enoshima or Kamakura.
Whether you’ve been to Japan before or are heading over for a visit, these new images on Google Street View are a great way to explore all the details of the country’s most famous stations away from the crowds. Just be careful not to get lost in there – it truly is a fascinating labyrinth that we could happily wander around in for hours!
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