Every Animator's Dream Desk
Being an animator in today’s era of digital design means having to use a number of tools, with keyboards, screens, tablets and mousepads often cluttering up desks, making it difficult for illustrators to maintain a sense of order in their workspaces. One digital artist, however, has tackled the problem head-on by building his very own desk.
By SoraNews24https://twitter.com/taqqqro/status/784486543297646592?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
Complete with special features to make work easier, the internet has erupted in a green sea of envy over the beautifully simple yet effective design.

The main priority was embedding his large tablet, which often got in the way of things as it always took up space on tabletops.

The hollow cavity in the middle was specially carved out to fit the dimensions of the tablet perfectly, with fans installed to protect it from overheating.

As a result, the tablet sits beautifully flush with the surface of the desk.

The flat surface means that curious kitties can now sit themselves on top of the tablet without causing too much bother!