Add Some Totoro Flare to Your Dishes
It’s pretty clear that the most memorable Ghibli character is Totoro. With his mixture of fuzzy cuddliness and latent power, the forest spirit appears at once both the childlike and the ancient, making him an elegant metaphor for the appeal of the studio’s films themselves. Plus, Totoro is the most versatile Ghibli character to grace your plates.
By SoraNews24
Another Totoro hot pot appearance, this time in grated daikon radish form.
Although it tastes delicious, some foreigners have a hard time accepting the concept of eating tarako, as cod roe is called in Japan. Maybe it’d gain greater acceptance if it was always shaped like Totoro.
And if you’re a parent having trouble encouraging your kids to clean their plates, you can always remind them that unless they eat all their vegetables, they won’t be getting any Totoro desserts, such as pudding.
If you’re still hungry for more Totoro meals, you’ll be happy to know that @blacktotoros takes requests and, if her tweets are anything to go by, she can get by in English as well, so let her know what you’d like her to make next. You won’t get to eat it, but we’re sure it’ll be a feast for the eyes.
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