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allabout japan

The Benefits of Burger Wrappers

By Texan in Tokyo

So what's a hamburger wrapper, exactly? It's pretty much what it sounds like—a wrapper for your hamburger! But it's different from the aluminum wrapper you'll get from a nice, big, greasy burger joint in the U.S., which comes tightly wrapped around the burger and has to be ripped off before you can chow down. Hamburger wrappers in Japan are small squares of paper with two sides connected, creating a nice triangle into which you can insert your burger for slop-free consumption.

Not sold on the benefits? Check out how to use these convenient burger-eating aids with a step-by-step tutorial at Texan in Tokyo below!

Texan in Tokyo

Basically, my blog is a window into the life of my husband (Ryosuke) and my entertaining and wonderful life in Tokyo. I post five times a week, switching between blog posts, comics, and videos. Hopefully you find something you like and stick around.