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How to Mind Your Business English

So, you initially came to Japan working for an eikaiwa (English conversation school) or public school, but now you're considering the next step for your career. While some people are drawn to children's lessons and others enjoy private tutoring, this article will focus on teaching in the corporate world.

By Wendell T. Harrison

4 Keys to Corporate Teaching

4 Keys to Corporate Teaching

Once you've scored that dream job, you have to keep it. And in order to do that, the client must know your value as a teacher and be able to clearly see the improvement of the students. Here are four key points you'll want to focus on to make sure you're invited back to teach more lessons.

1. Be Prepared

1. Be Prepared

Creating quality lessons suitable for corporate learners is the key, and this means adapting each and every lesson to the needs of the client. The whole purpose of study needs to be crystal clear, and the teacher must provide highly structured lessons to convey that point.

Regardless of the type of company, be it real estate or cosmetics, you need to know how and why the students use English, as well as specific terms and lingo to relate the lesson personally to your students. The easiest way to lose your students' confidence is to be unprepared, so even as the teacher, you need to do your homework. That doesn't mean the students aren't eager to educate you about their particular roles in the company in-class, but having a fundamental knowledge of the client's work when you walk in goes a long way toward keeping your teaching position.

2. Be Professional

2. Be Professional

Being professional goes without saying, but it's paramount to look every bit as corporate as the students you teach. This especially means being familiar with Japanese work culture. Regardless of whether you're representing yourself or a dispatch company, students will hardly tolerate an instructor who rolls in late, unkempt, unprepared and not wearing a fresh suit.

While it may be the case that a student is running a bit late themselves due to some impromptu work meeting or phone call, it's expected the teacher be there and ready to start before the agreed-upon lesson time. And remember, these are adults and not children. So upbraiding a worker for being late or not doing homework will not score any points for the teacher, and will likely be seen as a negative in the client's eyes.

3. Be Fun

3. Be Fun

Teaching in a corporation should actually be quite fun. You'll be surprised how much high-energy games can change your students' outlook on studying English in the workplace.

Chances are, your students were forced to take lessons after an already long day of work. By invigorating the students, you encourage them to look forward to the next lesson, and they leave work a little more confident, maybe even ready to challenge themselves to practice English more as they head home.

4. Be Flexible

4. Be Flexible

Finally, the last tip to teaching corporate English lessons is to always be flexible. Sometimes students may be called away from the lesson to deal with work, or the student may need the instructor to check some specific documentation. These students have very particular goals for studying English, and the instructor must be able to fulfill the wishes of the students and the clients to show the value of the English lessons. If you can create highly personalized lessons while being able adapt the lessons as needed, then you're well on your way to hanging onto that well-earned teaching job.

Wendell T. Harrison

Actor, director and writer who called Japan home for nine years before moving to NYC. Lover of the stage and all things Final Fantasy. Hobbies include drawing, gaming, gym, and cooking (not simultaneously).