Throwback to the '80s & '90s
One surprising thing about Japan is just how many toys and games from the '80s and '90s you can still find today! So come with us on a trip down memory lane and find if your favorite childhood distractions made the list. You'll be surprised how many of these things kids in Japan were also completely enamored with.
By SoraNews24
And who can forget when our schools were infested with these perpetually dying Tamagotchi? No matter how carefully you tried to care for them, you’d inevitably forget and they’d die. A cruel but necessary life lesson we suppose.

Did you know that Pogs were eventually banned in many schools in the US and in Europe since the game so closely resembled gambling and resulted in so many playground fights? As weird as that is, we were even more surprised to learn that there was a Japanese children’s game similar to Pogs called menko which had existed since the Edo Period (1603-1868) and seems to have been one of the precursors to the '90s game. We guess Pogs weren’t quite the flash in the pan we thought they were.
The Whoopie Cushion was less toy and more automatic detention device. But the look on your teacher’s face was totally worth it, right? Well, we never did anything like that of course. Nope, definitely not...
And finally who could ever forget the frenzy over catching all of the Pokémon. Not many children escaped the '90s without at least knowing about this strange yet delightful Japanese game.
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