Anime Characters & Aircraft Get Lego-ized
When it comes to universities in Japan, the University of Tokyo is consistently among the top-ranked. Just getting accepted is considered a significant accomplishment. So it’s no surprise that the university’s Lego Club has produced some truly awesome results that have spread online like wildfire.
By SoraNews24
This Lego cheese hamburg steak with a side of carrots and broccoli looks so good we're tempted to dig in!
We love this shot! It makes us think Ghibli needs to make a Catbus version of Speed…
We hope they make a life-size Lego Catbus next year!
No, the sign isn’t pixelated—it’s made of Lego blocks!
Lego QR codes? So simple and yet so awesome! But we have to wonder, what site does this QR code link to?
Apple is popular even in Lego Town, apparently.
It looks like they have both monster and air defenses covered!
They’re well protected against naval attacks as well…
After looking at all these photos, our only thought is: we should have spent less time drinking in university and more time playing with Lego blocks! Or at least played with more Lego blocks while drinking…
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