Half Girlfriend, Half Soup Cooling Machine
When autumn turns to winter and the weather becomes unbearably cold, it's only natural to want some hot soup to defrost your frozen limbs. And what could be better than a piping hot bowl of nabeyaki udon? But if it's too hot, you can always build a device to cool down the dish.
By ARuFa
Nabeyaki udon is similar to a Crock-Pot soup except the earthenware or cast iron pot is placed directly on the stovetop, where the udon noodles, chicken, mushrooms and vegetables boil together at medium-high heat, creating a mouth-scaldingly hot soup.

One Japanese blogger, who goes by the name ARuFa, absolutely loves this particularnabe dish. But unfortunately, the heat combined with the fact that he had no one to share this delicious meal with was just too much to bear.

Suddenly he realized he could kill two birds with one stone by creating a "girlfriend" who could sweetly cool down his beloved soup dish. And thus the Girlfriend-Cool-Down-Soup-Machine was born!

First, the ingenious designer stretched out some high-quality clay to place over a papier-mâché mask. Check out that elasticity!

Then, he applied some skin-color pigment to the clay so that the girl didn't look like she had come down with the flu.

However, it wasn't until he began to put in the doll eyes that he started to feel like a god creating life.

And of course no girlfriend would be complete without some hair, so the boyfriend-to-be hurriedly prepared a wig for the lady.

A Chinese cabbage, or hakusai, was inserted in the back of the mask so ARuFa could take commemorative photos of his beauty before he started adding the heavy artillery.