All About Japan

How to Make Hamburger Buns

Fresh-baked bread is a yummy treat, filled with love and warmth and wheat. Knead the dough and let it rise, YouTuber Ochikeron's here to advise!

A Daily Dose of Matcha in a Pancake!

Can't get enough matcha in your morning? Then how about making some matcha-infused pancakes with sweet matcha syrup drizzled on top?

Sushi Burger Gallery!

Check out this selection of eight gorgeous ways to replace your burger bun with rice!

How to Make Yakiniku Rice Burgers

If you're in the mood to make a burger but find that you don't have any buns or beef patties, why not try using rice and yakiniku?!

Make Your Own Rilakkuma Avocado Cheeseburger!

Kids love it when mama makes their meals with familiar character faces! Check out this video to learn how to make the cutest burger ever!

This Pencil Certainly Has a Green Thumb!

Once its life as a pencil is over, this innovative piece of stationery will color your garden by blooming into one of a variety of edible plants.

Make Adorable Rilakkuma Cookie Cup Clingers!

Uber-talented Korean food artist and YouTuber Sweet The MI shows us that cookies and milk can be a lot more kawaii than we could ever imagine!

Bespectacled Rice Made by Farmers with Glasses

This product literally puts a face with a name!

3 Recipes to Japanify Your Burgers

You don't have to live in Japan to give these Japanese burger recipes a try!

How to Make Vegan, Gluten-Free Okonomiyaki

Don't let dietary concerns keep you from the goodness of Japan's signature savory pancake!

Enjoy Starbucks Matcha Tea Anytime

Starbucks matcha marches into the Via lineup with a new, Japan-exclusive green tea drink mix.

3 Japanese Sauces to Spice Up Your Burger

Want something beyond ketchup to throw on your burger? Why not dip into the delicious world of Japanese sauces!

Beefless Burgers That Won't Break the Bank

Vegans out there know that dining out can be quite expensive, especially when looking for meat substitutes. But this video will show you how to make tofu burgers that are both delicious and made with easily obtainable ingredients.

Make these 3 Edible Micro-Dishes!

Check out these videos to learn how to make your own tiny, delightfully delectable Japanese dishes!

Make these 2 Classic Japanese Burgers at Home

Why settle for a standard burger when you can go with teriyaki—or shrimp?

5 'Castle in the Sky'-Inspired Bento

Can't get enough of Castle in the Sky? Why not try eating some!

How to Make 'Hambaagu'

'Hambaagu' are Japanese-style hamburgers, or hamburger steaks. They're a popular mealtime staple for kids in Japan.

This is One Ramen Bowl You Can't Slurp!

Can't get enough ramen in your daily diet? For dessert, why not try baking these ramen cookies?

18 Awesome Recipes Using Pickled Sakura

This list of awesome recipes with pickled cherry blossoms, or 'okazuke,' includes traditional Japanese foods as well as contemporary Westernized treats! Yum!

Saitama Pizza Buns

Why make regular sweet buns when you can make Saitama sweet buns?
