Sneak Back in Time to a Ninja Village
Ninja roam the streets of this themed village in Saga Prefecture, giving visitors a close-up glimpse of their shadowy lifestyle.
Ninja roam the streets of this themed village in Saga Prefecture, giving visitors a close-up glimpse of their shadowy lifestyle.
No trip to Japan is complete without celebrating its signature order of clandestine spies and assassins! These five spots will give you your ninja fix while exploring Tokyo and beyond!
In the world of fiction, ninja climb like Spider-man and toss out weapons like they've got bottomless Bat-utility belts. But how much was real, and how much is modern embellishment? A look at their gear will help us find out!
You too can master the art of throwing ninja stars by practicing with homemade paper shuriken.
Is it possible to really become a ninja when traveling around Japan? Go to Shiga to find out—but you might be a little surprised by the reality!
Believe it! You too can live out your fantasy of becoming trained in the deadly weapons ninja once used.
This incredible video will make you want to pick up a sword and visit Kyoto. In a good way.
Nikken Cutlery has three types of katana scissors for your slicing needs, including one inspired by Oda Nobunaga’s sword and featuring a gold-tipped “scabbard.”