Tomy's Talking Sheep Robot is a Real Cutie!
OHaNAS is a cute, white, sheep-like talking robot that can play music and answer your questions. Think Siri, but adorable.
Japan Trends
From design to politics, anime to tech, JapanTrends is devoted to telling the rest of the world about all the things happening in Asia’s most exciting place. High tech Japan? Definitely. Cool Japan? Of course. Wacky Japan? Sometimes. We cover both the good and the bad about Japan, bringing you news and analysis of the latest fashions and trends bursting out of this complex but little-understood culture.
OHaNAS is a cute, white, sheep-like talking robot that can play music and answer your questions. Think Siri, but adorable.
Radio-controlled centipedes, anyone? No? How about a cockroach? Or a tissue box?
Made in collaboration with DJ Koo, this musical kendama toy lights up and makes DJ sounds when you successfully catch the ball.
Following the first truly mass-scale success of Halloween in Shibuya in 2014, a number of revelers decided to carry on the cosplay tradition at Christmas.
Hamada Bamyu Bamyu is a comedy act parodying Kyaru Pamyu Pamyu. His first single is appropriately entitled, "What the heck?"
"Tokyo Totem, A Guide to Tokyo" is a guidebook-slash-pop-essay text focusing on the many angles and interpretations of Japan’s capital city.
Bestselling books and apps prove that handwriting is still a vital skill in the digital age.
Watch a robot that can perform the delicate art of Japanese calligraphy.
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