Centenarians Set Record High 50th Year in Row

The number of people in Japan aged 100 and above totaled 80,450 as of September 1, marking a record high for the 50th consecutive year. The health ministry said Tuesday the centenarian population increased 9,176 from last year, the biggest jump on record.
By NIPPON TV NEWS 24 JAPANhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKI9RfhEMFs
Women make up about 88 percent of the total. Kane Tanaka of Fukuoka is the oldest Japanese person at 117 years old. She says she enjoys eating and engages in studies, including arithmetic. The oldest man is Mikizo Ueda, a 110-year-old living in the ancient Japanese capital of Nara.
People in Japan turning 100 are presented with a certificate and a silver cup from the Japanese prime minister.