New Giant Gundam Statue Is Finally Complete
After years of drawing travelers to the capital’s Odaiba neighborhood, in March 2016 the full-scale statue of iconic anime robot Gundam was disassembled. However all is not lost, for in its place a new Gundam statue made its official debut, and it’s even bigger than the old one!
By SoraNews24
Wait around until after the sun goes down, and you’ll be rewarded once again, as the Destroy Mode’s panels glow extra-bright at night.
The nocturnal festivities also include music and video accompaniment at 7:30, 8, 8:30, 9, and 9:30, when clips from the anime are projected onto the exterior of Diver City and Gundam theme songs are played from speakers. During these brief shows, the statue also transforms to Unicorn Mode and back, and this is also your only chance to spot the Destroy Mode in its crowd-pleasing green “Awakened” version.
But whether you make a day out of it or simply stop by to say a quick hi to Tokyo’s new robotic resident, the Unicorn Gundam is an awesome sight to behold, and definitely worth a visit when you’re in Tokyo.
For more information including the address and website of Odaiba's Unicorn Gundam, be sure to read the full story from Rocket News 24 below!
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