New Giant Gundam Statue Is Finally Complete
After years of drawing travelers to the capital’s Odaiba neighborhood, in March 2016 the full-scale statue of iconic anime robot Gundam was disassembled. However all is not lost, for in its place a new Gundam statue made its official debut, and it’s even bigger than the old one!
By SoraNews24
However, as fans know, Destroy Mode is only one of the Unicorn Gundam’s configurations. The other is Unicorn Mode (which features a single horn-like protrusion from the robot’ head), and so multiple times a day the statue transforms between the two modes.
— コウキ@ノーマル戦士 (@pachi_lovers) September 24, 2017
けど、もう少し動いてほしかったかな笑#ユニコーンガンダム立像 #ユニコーン#ガンダム#お台場
The transformation happens daily at 11 in the morning and 1, 3, and 5 in the afternoon, with the statue starting and ending the day in Destroy Mode. While the transformation is a cool moment to see, that’s really all it is: a moment, as the armor plates quickly slide around to complete the change in about 10 seconds.
Still, both modes have their own special visual appeal, so the thing to do is show up, snap some pictures, than go grab a bit to eat at the adjacent Diver City entertainment complex (or check out its brand new Gundam Base Tokyo model showroom and shop inside), then come back and get some more snapshots following the transformation.