Visit the Poo Museum from the Comfort of Home
The Unko Museum (literally “Poo Museum”) pop-up proved to be so successful that it even slid into Tokyo from Yokohama, where it attracted crowds of turd lovers…until COVID-19 showed up in the capital, causing the facility to close its doors as a safety precaution.
By SoraNews24
However, where one sphincter closes, another opens, and for the Unko Museum that means the Internet has opened up a new portal for the “Max Unko Kawaii” extravaganza to be delivered to the poop-loving public. Starting from May 1, select displays from the museum of poo will be available to view online, as part of the country’s “Stay Home Week” initiative designed to keep people indoors during the Golden Week holiday period that runs from April 29 to May 6.
Visitors to the real museum walk through a number of different areas that play on “un“, the Japanese word for “poo“, and the virtual experience uses the same spaces, starting with the “Unteractive Area.“ This “area” offers guests the opportunity to play the “Sh*t Game“, a shutter-timing game, online.
Virtual guests can then enjoy the “Unstagenic Area,“ which offers a turd backdrop for sharing on social media. The Unko Museum even suggests that people use them for their next work-from-home video conference calls!
Moving on to the “Untelligence Area,” guests will be introduced to a variety of unko illustrations drawn by local celebrities. These artistic turds are usually only available to view at the museum, but now they can be viewed by people from around the world.
Virtual visitors will also be able to contribute their own artworks to the online collection with a toilet-bowl template.
Unberto will be starring in a series of live videos on the museum’s Instagram account during the stay-home period. The anthropomorphized turd, who carries his toilet around with him when he’s not sitting on it, will be answering all your poop-related questions.
The temporary closure of the real museum and its gift shop means stocks of poo-themed edible souvenirs are now fast approaching their use-by date, so they’ll be available to purchase online at a discounted price for a limited time.
The online Unko Museum promises to provide a fun day out indoors for the whole family. And best of all, it costs nothing to access, saving you the usual 1,800 yen (US$16.80) entry fee for a same-day adult ticket.
The online poo museum can be accessed here from 1:00 p.m. (JST) on May 1. Poop candies from the Poop Kanji Dill Professor not included.
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