allabout japan
allabout japan

Make Yourself a Ramen Pot Pie

By Michael Kanert

This is basically just chicken pot pie with ramen in it, but why not? Start with fried pork belly cubes, cream of chicken and canned corn, then add green onion, ramen seasoning and two packs of instant noodles. While this could have been a cheap “toss in some ramen” throwaway, the soft-boiled-egg garnish at the finale makes it work.

Michael Kanert

In Japan since 2001, I'm a former ALT trainer who's lived in Shizuoka, Saitama and Tokyo, and visited 34 of Japan's 47 prefectures (13 to go!). When I can get out from behind the editorial desk, I take photos, do bits of theater and practice German longsword.