How to Navigate a Japanese Washlet Toilet

There's something quite fascinating about a modern Japanese toilet. The buttons, the heated seat and the cleansing spray all add to the unusual experience you might be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. Read on to find out how to navigate one of these futuristic toilets.
By Robert KodamaToilets in Japan
Japanese toilets are highly respected across the expat community and across the world. They are well known for their cleanliness, the sheer confusion of all the buttons and the spray of water that supposedly cleans you without the need for toilet paper. There is a multitude of functions that you just won't find on toilets abroad, which makes the Japanese version the king of the toilets.
Due to its popularity, there is a growing demand to provide more functions to the toilets in recent years. Whether it's to provide a massage spray after you've done your duty or to provide automation from opening the lid to flushing accompanied with polite instruction throughout your experience, there are more reasons why Japan stays on top when it comes to your toiletry needs.
However, having multiple functions does lead to more confusion on how to operate one of these toilets; so, here we are to provide a guide to using a standard Japanese washlet.

The standard Japanese toilet seat has an array of functions that might look a little confusing at first. Press the wrong button while trying to flush and you may get a surprise spray of water up your backside.
Find out below a breakdown of the different functions in Japanese and their English translations.
The Toilet Diagram
止 - Stop
おしり - Clean your backside
ビデ - Bidet
乾燥 - Dryer
弱 - Weaker
水勢 - Water Pressure
強 - Stronger
パワー脱臭 - Powerful Deodorizer
入/切 - On/Off
運転 - Operation/Main Switch
温水 - Hot Water
便座 - Toilet Seat
脱臭 - Deodorizer
節電中 - Power Saving Mode
高 - High
低 - Low
タイマー節電 - Timer
おまかせ節電 - Power Saving Mode
ノズルそうじ - Nozzle Cleaning
Hopefully, this clears up some of the functions of a modern Japanese style toilet. You will be a pro in no time!