All About Japan

New Unicorn Gundam Is Almost Complete

Technology Anime Gundam Tokyo Odaiba Kanto

The armor plating around the anime robot’s knees and ankles also reconfigures when going into Destroy Mode. It’s unclear whether or not the statue will be maintaining that level of fidelity to its source material or not, but the presence of the moving antenna suggest that the designers are planning on keeping the shifting faceplate from the anime mecha in their real-life version.

And it’s not just the head that’s coming along nicely; as of August 8, much of the basic frame of the Unicorn Gundam seems completed as well, as seen in these photos.

More photos are likely to trickle out as construction continues (there’s only so much you can do to hide a nearly 20-meter-tall robot, after all), so while the Unicorn Gundam statue won’t be officially unveiled for at least a month, it’s already a sight to see.

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