5 Ways Ramen Rocks the Urban Dictionary

Quite possibly one of the most economical meals on the planet, ramen’s presence has seeped its way into modern English slang. Have a pen and paper handy to jot down our top five savory phrases, courtesy of Urban Dictionary.
By Ellery Smith5. Ramen Balance

1. Maintaining just the right amount of soup to noodle ratio in a bowl of ramen.
2. The moderation of two (or more) conflicting forces that could possibly descend into chaos if the situation is not controlled.
"My dog and two cats were getting along okay, but bringing home an iguana just upended the ramen balance."
4. Ramen Bomb

1. Slurping your first sip of instant ramen only to inhale a large clump of ramen flavoring packet that immediately explodes in your mouth upon contact.
"I need some green tea to wash down this ramen bomb!"
3. Ramen Profitable

1. A business that’s making just enough money to cover expenses, but is not profitable in the long run.
"We’d consider investing in your enterprise, but looking at your books it seems you’re only ramen profitable."
2. Ramen Broke

1. The depressing situation where all you can afford is a package of instant ramen.
Also see: Ramenbutter week
"Go out for a drink? Only if you’re buying—last weekend totally ramen broke me."
1. Ramenbutter Week

1. When it’s the final week before your next payday, but all you have in your pantry is ramen and/or peanut butter.
Also see: Ramen broke
"I got through my last ramenbutter week by actually putting the peanut butter on the ramen. This month, I’m saving up."