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10 Things You Didn't Know About Geisha

After the release of Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden and the 2005 movie, geisha have become better known globally. But just how much do you know about the graceful entertainers? We've gathered a few facts that might surprise even the most knowledgeable geisha experts.

By SoraNews24

6. The Colors of a Geisha

6. The Colors of a Geisha

Have you ever wondered why geisha paint their faces white? The traditional colors used for makeup are black, white and red, all of which provide a striking contrast to the colors in their kimono. However, Peter Macintosh, who teaches geisha culture at Kansai University, adds: “They started wearing white makeup so their faces would reflect in the candle light.”

Also, the younger the woman, the more red she wears.

7. Geisha Are Mostly Dressed by Males

7. Geisha Are Mostly Dressed by Males

While geisha (also called geiko in Kyoto) apply their own makeup, otokoshi have the skilled task of dressing them.

8. Expensive Accessories

8. Expensive Accessories

Decorative obi (belt) ornaments, called pochhiri are often studded with precious or semi-precious jewels and start from US$5,000.

9. Geisha Can Never Completely Relax

9. Geisha Can Never Completely Relax

The pressure and expectation to be models of proper manners never abates. “If I want to just lie on my side and watch TV I can’t because I am always supposed to sit up straight,” says a geisha in the documentary Real Geisha Real Women. “If I go up to my room, my younger sister is there. She would remind me that as her senior, I am setting a bad example.”

10. Geisha Perform at Exclusive Venues

10. Geisha Perform at Exclusive Venues

Ryotei or ochaya (members-only tea houses) are places where VIPs can go to make deals and know they are in complete privacy.

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