Anime Hunks Dominate 'Hana Yori Dango' Café
We’ve recently seen a pair of Sailor Moon-themed dining options appear in Tokyo, allowing fans to wrap themselves in the hit franchise’s atmosphere as they enjoy a bite to eat. But if your anime and manga tastes run more towards beautiful boys than magical girls, now there’s a place for you too, at the new Hanai Yori Dango Café in Tokyo’s Shibuya area.
The cafe is a collaborative effort with the Sweets Paradise buffet chain, which specializes in desserts but also serves light fare such as salads and pasta dishes. Since October 9, the Shibuya Parco branch of Sweets Paradise has been visited by the four heartthrobs of Hana Yori Dango (also known as Boys Over Flowers).
During the crossover event, each member of the F4 ("Flower Four") group is represented by a special item in the buffet lineup. But the biggest treats for Hana Yori Dango fans are no doubt the life-sized art panels, where you can pose with the F4 member of your choice.