allabout japan
allabout japan

Interview with a Batman Legend

By Ellery Smith

Tokyo Toy Guy 2 continues the hunt for Batman paraphernalia collectors in the sequel to Tokyo Toy Guy, as it takes us around the world from Dubai to Tokyo. Dive into the history of Batman toys from the 1960s and '70s that were designed by toy conglomerates MEGO and Ideal Toy Company as told by Teruhisa Kitahara, a collector whose tin toy collection exceeds 10,000 figures.

Complete with interviews from New York Times best-selling author Chip Kidd and manga legend Jiro Kuwata, who wrote 53 chapters starring The Dark Knight, this movie will have you on the edge of your seat. Although you'll have to wait until Sunday December 27 to watch Tokyo Toy Guy 2, you can still watch the prequel on Vimeo if you're registered.

Ellery Smith

Bouncing between the U.S. and Japan since 2007 as a student then an English instructor before finally settling into freelance writing, I am a yoga enthusiast and onsenner extraordinaire, having been to more hot springs than you can shake a stick at.