All About Japan 作者
I'm a Japanese translator and writer. Besides work and occasional translation projects, I enjoy listening to music (of any kind) and surfing the Internet.
I'm a blogger, traveler and freelance writer living in Gifu, Japan. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, I have lived in Japan now for over 12 years.
自2007年起,先后作为学生和英文老师,来往于美国和日本之间,目前是自由撰稿人。同时,我还是一位瑜伽狂热爱好者, 非常喜欢泡温泉,绝对去过一些超乎想象的超热温泉。
韩国人,现居埼玉县。 2001年与日本男性结婚,2004年开始进行博客创作,通过自身经历,介绍在日生活的方方面面。从2008年至2012年,连续4年获选Naver Blog海外生活部门的有影响力博主称号,截止到2017年11月为止,粉丝已过7000人。
通过微博账号“林萍在日本”,以图文、视频直播等多种方式,发布新鲜的日本最新资讯。作为在日中国人当中最为知名的博主,林萍还多次在日本媒体上受访出镜。无论是在微博还是在实时直播平台“一直播”上,她的粉丝数都超过了 100 万人。
I’m a freelance writer who has lived in Japan for three-and-a-half years. I cover an eclectic mix of video games, pop culture and travel. Outside of writing I enjoy hiking, exploring the world, and liberal amounts of karaoke.
I’m a daydreaming artist, sipping tea and yearning to discover the "mysteries of life." Jokes aside, I’m always up for new adventures with my trusty camera and notebook to document my way!
I’m a Tokyo-raised actress and dancer studying anthropology and archaeology at the University of British Columbia. My not-so-secret identity is a black-belt Bujinkan ninja, and I also love the great outdoors.
难忘的行程,离不开贴心的指引,VELTRA致力成为您随时随地的好帮手。去哪里登山,去哪里看海,去哪里享受饕餮美食,去哪里感悟异国情调,VELTRA带领您感受大千世界的万般精彩。让TRAVEL改变您,让VELTRA改变TRAVEL! -
I moved to Japan in 2013 for my Ph.D in International Relations at Waseda University. On the side, I write all kinds of things: novels in Italian, live reports on the Japanese rock and Visual Kei scene, and articles about other fun stuff you can see and do in Japan.