All About Japan


版權 - 商標 - 免責聲明

  • 1. All About Japan
    根據現行法規, All About Japan是一家隸屬於於 All About, Inc(以下稱“本公司”)的綜合性情報網站。本網站的編輯員工及合作團隊致力於日本相關資訊的整理和發布,並提供這些情報給利用網站https://allabout-japan.com及其相關連結的用戶。並且在網站的指定欄位發佈贊助All About Japan各家贊助廠商的廣告。
  • 2. 條款的變更與聲明
  • 3. 版權
  • 4. 免責聲明
    本公司以及本公司的資訊提供者對於任何由第三方網站或本網站使用者提供的文章或情報的一致性、準確性、安全性不進行保證。 所有對於這些情報的解釋與主觀判斷均交由本網站使用者自行負責。任何由All About Japan、第三方者以及廣告贊助商提供的資訊、使用者上傳的文章,以及任何使用與本公司相似的電子郵件、電話、傳真等來自外部連結的情報,針對上述場合造成的問題與損害本公司一概不予負責。
  • 5. 情報使用
    本公司所做的統計數據一般均來自於All About Japan的用戶所回饋的意見與要求,有鑑於此,本公司無法識別個別用戶。
  • 6. 法律授權及法院管轄權
    本公司的使用和政策條款,都以日本國家法律為準。凡涉及到All About Japan的纠纷,均由東京地方裁判所的第一審專屬管轄裁判所受理。
  • 7. 關於本網站資訊的警告
    儘管本公司一直不斷完善我們所提供的資訊(包括廣告,外部連結,留言板,郵件雜誌等),但依然無法保證資訊的絕對安全性。針對所有本網站的資訊,本公司及本公司的專家與資訊提供者無法對其造成的問題與損害不予負責。 請在使用本網站前詳閱我們的免責聲明。


  • 1. 隱私權政策範圍
    All About Japan的隱私權政策用於處理All About, Inc.所有用户的個人情報。在本網站上刊登廣告的廣告商可以通過調查的形式,收集本網站用户的個人情報。本公司只對廣告贊助商提供網頁上的廣告位置,而廣告商對用户個人情報進行的收集、使用、存取或監察等等行為與本網站無關。並且,被分享的個人情報的範圍若不在本網站內則不受到隱私權政策的保護 。
  • 2. 在以下的情況下,本公司會通過All About Japan對用戶的個人情報進行收集。並且收集個人情報的行為並不侷限在以下情況。並且,本公司不會在未經用戶許可下收集用戶個人情報。
    • (1)當用戶使用All About Japan時(例:註冊為All About Japan會員,參與問卷調查,購買本公司產品,以及其他網路行為)
    • (2)當客戶提供個人情報時,沒有使用本公司的服務。
    • (3)為了協助本公司的調查與營運的情況下在網路上收集可用的公開情報。
  • 3. 使用個人情報的目的
    • (1) 允許用戶登錄我們的網路服務,同時也為了順利進行如商品寄件,金錢儲值,退款,客戶服務等的網路購物交易行為
    • (2) 透過電子報,電子郵件,電話等個人情報提供客戶本公司的產品與服務
    • (3) 檢驗本公司的促銷活動與其他的商業活動等商務行為
    • (4) 應對客戶需求
    • (5) 協助本公司廣告贊助商進行調查行為
    • (6) 其他含有特定目的的收集個人情報行為
  • 4. 統計數據使用
  • 5. 個人情報管理
    本公司使用洽當的情報管理系統保證用戶的個人情報安全。為了預防與個人情報相關的數據被不當使用,在本公司內部沒有經過授權的其他團體無法訪問含有個人資訊的數據庫。並且使用SSL協定(Secure Socket Layer)等適當的安全措施,來防止第三方的情報竊取及偽造等潛在威脅,保護用戶的個人情報。
  • 6. 個人情報的委託流程
  • 7. 針對第三方提供或公開情報
    • (1) 在難以取得客戶本人同意的情況,需要保護某人的生命,健康,財產,或是促進公眾福祉與推進青少年兒童教育的場合
    • (2) 需要協助諸如國家機關或地方公共團體等被委託方履行法律規定,且取得用戶同意的行為可能會妨礙該業務實行的場合
    • (3) 當用戶利用本公司服務,第三方關係者(如廣告贊助商, 運輸業者等)需要取得用戶個人情報來協助提供服務的場合
    • (4) 將服務業務全部或部分交付給第三方時(包含但不限定於公司解散的場合)
    • (5) 用戶清楚知曉自己的個人情報被本公司收集的場合(包含但不限定於投稿文章中需要被公開的個人資料)
    • (6) 根據個人情報保護法或是其他法令被要求公開或是允許公開的場合
  • 8. 個人情報監督
    -All About, Inc.
    -Information Security Room General Manager
  • 9. 個人情報的公開及諮詢
    • (1) 用戶對於自己的個人情報,有權利要求以下行為:個人情報被使用目的的告知,公開,修正,補充/停止或刪除自己的個人情報/刪除情報停止對第三方的提供行為。對個人情報公開的相關要求,或是對本公司處理個人情報的方式有不滿或需要諮詢的場合均可以告知我們(。然而在某些情況下,備份好的數據無法被驗證,更改或刪除。
    • (2) 在接受用戶的個人情報公開要求的場合時,本公司會根據:網站帳號,密碼,姓名.地址,電話,出生年月日,電子信箱等內容來確定是否為用戶本人
    • (3) 當本公司受理了用戶提出的情報公開的要求或諮詢時,並且確認其為本人提出的要求後,儘速對應並且處理。
  • 10. 隱私權條款的變更與告知

Cookies and IP Addresses, etc.

  1. The Company may use cookies and web beacons in the Services. The Company does not consider information such as cookies and IP addresses (including that based on web beacons; hereinafter referred to as “Informative Data”) personal information as it cannot identify a specific individual; provided, however, that such information shall be handled as personal information if information that can identify a specific individual is used in combination. If you wish to discontinue targeting advertisements distributed by the Company (opt-out), please click here. You need to opt out for each browser you use. Therefore, please note that, if you remove opt-out cookies issued by the Company, install a new browser or change your computers or smartphones, you will need to go through opt-out procedures again.
    Please refer here for the handling of Informative Data at the Company.
  2. The Company uses targeting advertisement services provided by the following companies to understand how the Services are used. Thus, the Company uses cookies provided by the following companies in some pages. If you wish to find out more about how cookies are used, information obtained by cookies and out-out procedures, please refer to the following websites of relevant companies.
    1. Google Inc. and Google Japan LLC
    2. and Akamai Technologies GK
    3. Outbrain japan
  3. The Company may combine cookies obtained by the Company and information obtained by non-Company cookies that have been recorded upon a Customer’s visit to other websites in a manner that cannot identify an individual and use it for marketing activities (including advertisement distribution) of the Company and other companies.
  4. Personal Information Protection Manager and Data Protection Officer

    The Company has assigned the following individual as the Company’s personal information protection manager and data protection officer and appropriately manages personal information with such individual playing central roles.

    All About, Inc.
    Officer of Information Security Office

  5. Inquiries about Disclosure of and Consultation about Personal Information
    1. With respect to your personal information, you may request for notification on purposes of use, disclosure, rectification, addition, removal, exercise of data portability right, or discontinuation of use, erasure or discontinuation of provision to third parties (“Personal Information Disclosure, Etc.”). Please file your requests for Personal Information Disclosure, Etc., and complaints or inquiries about the handling of personal information at the Company here. There may be cases where personal information is backup data, etc. such that it cannot be checked, rectified or removed by its nature.
    2. When having received a request for or an inquiry about Personal Information Disclosures, Etc. from a principal, the Company shall verify that such person is a principal by using information that can identify an individual (ID, password, name, address, phone number, date of birth, e-mail address, etc.).
    3. When having received a request for or an inquiry about Personal Information Disclosures, Etc., the Company shall promptly respond to such request or inquiry to a reasonable extent (to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use) only when the Company has been able to verify that the requester or inquirer is a principal.
    4. A principal has the right to lodge an objection with a competent data protection authority in each country with respect to the handling of personal information relating to the principal.
  6. Retention Period

    The Company shall retain a Customer’s personal information as long as it is necessary for the Company to provide the Services to the Customer. The Company shall promptly erase such personal information when it is no longer needed.

  7. Transfer of Personal Information outside the EU

    To achieve the purposes of use described in 3. above, the Company may transfer a Customer’s personal information to and handle it in countries outside the EU (including Japan). In countries outside the EU, there may be cases where the same rights of a data subject under the GDPR are not recognized; provided, however, that, the Company ensures that sufficient measures to protect the Customer’s personal information will be secured by means such as concluding GDPR-based, standard contract clauses.

  8. Name of “Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization” of which the Company is a member and Contact Information for Filing Complaints

    The Company is a target entity of the following authorized personal information protection organization.

    General Incorporated Foundation JIPDEC
    Personal Information Protection Consultation Service Office
    Roppongi First Building 12F, 9-9 Roppongi 1-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan

    Please contact the following for any inquiries about the Policy.
    All About, Inc. Personal Information Manager
    6F Ebisu Subaru Building, 20-8 Ebisu 1-chome, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150-0013 Japan

  9. Security

    To ensure security in the Services, the Company uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology for the input of personal information to prevent such information from being intercepted, interfered or altered.

  10. Other

    The Company may handle personal information differently from the above based on provisions of the GDPR and other relevant laws and regulations. The Company may change its privacy policy in whole or in part. In the event of a material change, the Company shall notify you on websites on which the Services are provided in an easily understandable manner.

Relevant information: Personal Information Protection Policy