Akihabara News
Our Tokyo-based team is ideally placed to bring you the latest in Japan & Asia tech news, the cool and the cultural. Our privileged, personal relationships with major industry players allow us to offer previews, reviews and interviews found nowhere else.

Rebecca Wang
Daiwanese in Tokyo

Serious Eats
Millions of passionate, discerning, curious, and very hungry people come to Serious Eats in search of definitive recipes, hard-core food science, trailblazing techniques, and innovative guides to essential food and drink anywhere and everywhere.

・世界首册双语日本酒书籍《向世界炫耀 品质名酒》(JPA出版)
Ichiju-Sansai Project
Working in concert with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. Let's eat Japanese food!